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Growing In The Son VBS Director's Overview


In A Nutshell

This summer, introduce kids to Growing In The Son VBS—a place where they can plant God’s seeds and watch love grow! Transform your church and introduce children to life on the farm where they’ll dig into the Bible and learn how they can grow in God. Start by printing the Week Overview (See Downloads Below). This is a chart showing the Daily Message, Bible Story, Memory Verse, Garden Lesson, Daily Symbol, Seed Packet, Crafts, Games, Snacks and Songs for each day.

Children start each day with an opening assembly to introduce each day’s theme. They then rotate through the stations of Son Garden Bible Stories, Cornfield Crafts, Barnyard Games, Ma’s Kitchen and Sweet Pea Songs. Each station builds on the day’s theme.

Growing In The Son VBS Director's Overview

Son Garden Bible Stories

Growing In The Son Bible School centers on the farm. Farmer Paul and his helper Pansy Pig, (a puppet to appeal to younger children), use hands-on lessons with a real garden to teach the message of how to grow God’s garden in your heart. Each lesson builds on the theme to the final day. We have easy to follow instructions for building a heart-shaped garden that fits right in your classroom. See Bible Lessons.

CGC Overview Chart

Daily Theme
Memory Verse
Day 1
We want a good heart so God’s love
will grow.
The Parable of the Sower
Luke 8:4-8, 11-15
Good Soil
Day 2
We want to plant God’s word so the Holy Spirit will bloom.
Cain and Abel
Genesis 4:1-12
Good Seeds

Day 3
Faith growing in our heart will transform us and spread to those around us.
The Mustard Seed
Matthew 13:31-32

Faith it will grow

Day 4
Jesus offers living water so we will never be thirsty again. Woman At The Well
John 4:4–42

Day 5
We share our garden by telling others about Jesus.
Feeding the 5,000
John 6:1-14
Share the abundance

Cornfield Crafts

The week is all about growing in God and spreading God’s seeds to those around you. What better way to emphasize that message than with Daily Seed Packets. Each day children get to make their own packet that represents that day’s message. Inside is the day’s memory verse and items that represent the day’s symbol. Children are challenged to go home and share the items in their packet with at least two other people. If you only do one craft we recommend the Daily Seed Packets.

Crafts are included for both younger and older children and are centered around each day’s theme. Each craft includes complete instructions, photos and patterns. See Bible Crafts.

Barnyard Games

From Bowling for Birds to Cool Down At the Well and Dress the Scarecrow, we have a week packed full of games where children can kick back for some old fashioned fun. Each game is centered around the daily theme. See Bible Games.

Sweet Pea Songs

Our piggyback songs are sure to be a hit with children of all ages. The lyrics are easy to learn and are teamed with familiar tunes. Songs like Gotta Have Faith, A Little Bit of Rain and Plant a Little Seed are just a few of of the songs that will be ringing through the halls of your church well after VBS is over. See Bible Songs.

Ma’s Kitchen

Some lip smacking good cookin’ will be dished up in Ma’s Kitchen. Flowering Nachos, Piggy In The Mud, PBJ Tractor Wheels, Chicken Feed and Apple Crisp are just a few of the choices we have for the week. See Recipes.


We have lots of ideas to help you transform your church with farm decorations for our Growing In The Son VBS. Check out your garage or barn for easy decorating items that fit the theme. Decorate a little or a lot. Included in the decorating graphics are room scenes for the Assembly Area, Son Garden, Ma’s Kitchen and Cornfield Crafts. Check out Growing In The Son VBS Decorations.

Final Program

In the format of the old “Hee Haw” TV show, our Growing In The Son VBS final program will involve all the children with short skits, jokes, songs, lots of giggles and a message that is sure to reach the heart of all who attend. Check out Growing In The Son VBS Final Program.

County Fair

Invite your VBS children to enjoy some down home fun at your wrap up County Fair event. Transform your lawn or fellowship hall and enjoy carnival-type activities such as a Duck Pond, Haystack Hunt. Outhouse Paper Toss, Petting Zoo and much more. Snacks include hot dogs, corn dogs, popcorn and cotton candy. Check out County Fair Carnival.


  • Blue Ribbon Learners:
    County Fairs are all about blue ribbon rewards for achievers. Reward children who memorize all 5 Bible Memory Verses with a blue ribbon to wear for the final program.
  • Attendance chart:
    Instead of a traditional attendance chart, use a piece of green yarn to make a curved vine on your wall. Cut out leaves. Have children put their name on a leaf and add it to the vine each day they attend VBS.

Mission Challenge

Get your kids excited about spreading God’s word and watching it bloom. We have several ideas for community activities or mission projects with our Growing In The Son VBS. What ever mission you choose, with this challenge you will be amazed at children’s willingness to learn memory verses, invite friends along and carry in armloads of items for the mission project. Growing In The Son VBS Mission Challenge.

Director’s Materials

Our Week Overview document explains the whole week with each station’s acitivities at a glance. This is a great tool for directors. We have also provided Sample Schedules, Registration Forms and Nametags all located in Downloads below.

  • CGC GIS Sample Schedules
  • CGC GIS Week Overview
  • Growing In The Son Nametags
  • CGC GIS Registration Form

Promotional Materials, Logos and Forms

Many of the forms you will need are provided under promotional materials and other items such as promotional flyers, postcards, event invites, nametags, registration forms and more. We have also included some “Form pdf” files where you can fill in specific information for your event. Below is the list of files and where they are located.

Growing In The Son VBS Promotional Flyer.

  • CGC GIS Promo Flyer
  • CGC GIS Promo Flyer Form

Growing In The Son VBS Promotional Postcards.

  • CGC GIS Postcard
  • CGC GIS Postcard Form
  • CGC GIS Postcard 1up Form
  • CGC GIS Postcard 4up Form

Growing In The Son VBS Logos.

The Clip Path document allows you to place the logo over top of background colors. If you require a vector file for larger projects, send us an email and we will be happy to send you one.

County Fair Event

  • County Fair Invite Form

GIS Closing Program

  • CGC GIS Program Fair Inv Form
  • CGC GIS Program Inv Form

Other Resources

  • How to build a stage flat?


About Jeff and Becky


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