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Jesus To Go Cut Out Bible Printable


In A Nutshell

Families are encouraged to take the Jesus To Go Cut Out with them on vacation, to school, weekend trips, or just around their neighborhood, and snap pictures with him wherever they are. Jesus To Go is a great way to remind everyone that Jesus is always with them. It also makes a great opening to share the message of our savior to others. We have provided a color version as well as a black and white version if you want to color your own. Photos can be added to personal or church social media pages to help share the message with others. Be sure to include #jesustogo in your caption for Instagram. The Jesus To Go Cut Out is part of our Jesus To Go Box full of Christian activities to entertain the whole family while they travel or at their destination. Subscribers be sure to check out the Jesus To Go Box in our Related Activities. Not a subscriber? Check out how you can subscribe and all the benefits by clicking the "What You Get" button in the menu bar.

Jesus To Go Cut Out Bible Printable
Jesus To Go Cut Out Bible Printable
Jesus To Go Cut Out Bible Printable
Jesus To Go Cut Out Bible Printable


Preschool, Elementary, Tweens, Teens, Adults

Estimated Time

10 minutes

What You Will Need

  • Jesus To Go Download (See below).
  • White card stock (1 sheet per cut out)
  • Scissors
  • Laminating Pouches (optional)
  • Mailing Labels (optional)


  • Print your Jesus To Go Cut Out (either in color or the black and white version for your kids to color) on card stock.
  • Print the poem and posting instructions on the reverse side.
  • Cut out your Jesus To Go.

If you are laminating: * If you choose to laminate your Jesus To Go, you can get self-laminating pouches at Walmart for a little over $1 each, or you can purchase a thermal laminator, around $22, and get 150 pouches $20. Since we wanted to do lamination for VBS and other projects, we elected to purchase the thermal laminator. * Print the Jesus To Go Poem back on a piece of paper. * Follow instructions based on the lamination method you choose.


Jesus is with us
this much we know.
He is always beside us
wherever we go.

So, as we are traveling
far from our home.
We’ll remember Jesus
wherever we roam.

Take plenty of pictures
with Jesus while you’re away.
To share with others
how He loves us every day.

Encourage families to take Jesus with them this summer on vacation, or anytime during the year, to see how far he can travel. We had families email us their photos and we added them to our church Facebook page. It was really fun to see families interacting with Jesus wherever they went. You will find that they get very creative!


A special thanks to Rev. Toni Ruth Smith and the Harrisburg United Methodist Church Children's Council in North Carolina, who gave Christian Games and Crafts permission to expand on their original idea of a Jesus cut out to take on vacation.


About Jeff and Becky


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