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Amazing Time Machine VBS Assembly Skits


In A Nutshell

Renowned scientists, Dr Hekyll and Professor Jive, along with their bumbling lab assistant, Phinneus, invite the class of Junior Scientists to embark on a scientific adventure to discover God! With the help of their newly-built Time Machine, they can travel back in time each day to find the answers they seek: Who is God? How do we become closer to God? Who did God send to help us find our way back to Him? Why didn’t Jesus save himself on the cross? What is the key to eternal life with God?

The week wraps up when they discover that all the answers were in the Bible all along. A short script is also included each day for closing assemblies which summerizes the key discovery for each day. Their is a finale skit/program also included which incorporates all the junior scientists in their groups performing the VBS songs they have learned all week. For additional information on ways to use this program, stage decorations,etc., check out The Amazing Time Machine VBS. five day program for children preschool through middle school.

Children love to see these fun skits and it is a great way to set the stage for each day as well as wrap up the day’s discoveries at the closing. If you don’t have time to memorize the scripts, don’t worry, just use clipboards. The script for Day One Opening and Closing Assembly is shown below. It is the longest script in order to get the cast introduced and set the stage for the whole VBS week. See Downloads below for a document containing scripts for ALL five nights as well as a finale program.

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