3 Great VBS Programs FREE for Subscribers!
From your Sunday regulars to a host of new guests, Vacation Bible School is a great way to get children excited about God. CGC has three original VBS programs to choose from. All are FREE to subscribers.
With The Amazing Time Machine, children join our scientists Dr. Hekyll and Professor Jive, as they travel back in time TO DISCOVER GOD!
With Growing In The Son, introduce kids to life on the farm where they'll dig into the Bible and learn how they can grow in God.
If you don't have a full week, try our 1-day Bible Boot Camp where kids get back to nature as they learn to walk with God.
You don't have to be a subscriber to check out our previews to all three great VBS programs. Click "Bible School" under the subject search for all three program previews.

Celebrating Easter
Easter is fast approaching and if you wondering what you are going to do in your Children’s Ministry to celebrate this most important holiday then look no further. Christian Games and Crafts is loaded with ideas for Easter Bible Lessons, Easter Crafts, Easter Games, Easter Programs and much, much more for children of all ages. Everything can be down loaded immediately, has easy to follow instructions and patterns to get you going quickly. Just click on Easter here or under Holidays in the Subject Search in the left column to see all we have to offer. We at Christian Games and Crafts wish you all a wonderful Easter as we celebrate our Lord’s triumph over death.
Check out all of our Easter Bible lessons, Easter crafts, Easter Games and Easter programs to help children learn the importance of this holiday. Just go to our Subject Search - Holidays - Easter for a complete list of creative resources for your children's ministry. Some of our favorites include Blessing Eggs Bible Craft, Pom Pom Sheep BIble Craft.

Mother's Day Crafts, Programs, Songs, and More!
Don't forget Mom this year. Kids love to create their own Mother's Day gifts and we have all sorts of ideas for all ages. Check our our Mother's Day cards, cool duct tape pencil holders, spring magnets, blooming tea cups, Wonder Cream and more. Have children throw a Mother's Day Tea Party for a wonderful day of sharing. For younger children, we have some mini Mother's Day Programs and songs. What a great way to celebrate with love! Be sure to check Subjects - Holidays - Mother's Day in the left hand search column for even more Mother's Day ideas. You do not need to be a subscriber to view and download items marked FREE.
- "My Mom" Stories Bible Program
- Apron Mother's Day Card Bible Craft
- Blooming Tea Cups Bible Craft
- Clothespin Mother's Day Card Bible Craft
- Decorated Eye Masks Bible Craft
- Duct Tape Flower Pencil Holder Bible Craft
- Fleece Flowers Bible Craft
- God Is Great Flower Pot Bible Craft
- Head Games Bible Game
- Heart Bath Bombs Geysers Bible Craft
- Heart Pendant Necklace Bible Craft
- I love My Mommy Bible Song
- Mamma's Notebook Bible Craft
- Mom's Grapevine Wreath Mother's Day Bible Craft
- Mother's Day Card - Flower Bible Craft
- Mother's Day Card - Stamped Bible Craft (free)
- Mother's Day Photo Placemat Bible Craft
- Mother's Day Tea Party
- Mother's Day Teacup Card Bible Craft
- My Mom Is ... Program
- My Mom Is My Shining Star Bible Song (free)
- My Mom Is The Very Best Bible Song
- Paper Flowers Bible Craft
- Plastic Ring Hyacinth Spring Bible Craft (free)
- Spring Magnets Bible Craft
- Stamped Flower Bookmark Bible Craft
- Wonder Cream Gift Bible Craft